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Home : PET Preform...Results for PET Preform
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Karachi, Sind, Pakistan
pearl, pearl pet, pearl pet bottle, pet, pet preforms, pet bottlers, manufacturer pet, manufacturer pet bottles, pet bottles, manufacturer of pet bottles, manufacturer ...

Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India, pet preform & closures manufacturers, pet preforms and closures, pet preform cap, pet preform closure, pet prefom caps, pet preform ...

Kolkata, West Bengal, India
pets, polyester - nylon satin suede-imitation, polyester, pet preforms

Ibi, Alicante, Spain
well machine, whole mould, containers, extrusion machine, pet container, pets, injection machine, no injection, pet preforms

Tbilisi, Armenia
garni crystalline, garni cola, drinkable water, water, garni, cola, grveg, dgrveg, pet, pet preforms, rocarm ltd, pet preforms, bottles, carbonated ...

Samsun, Bafra, Turkey
plastic cans, plastic and plastic, can plastic, pets, plastic jar, well cap, jars, plastics, cans, bottles, pet bottle, pet preforms

whole mould, injection moulding, shrink packing machine, machine for packing, pet cover, filling line, water pumps, hopper, labeling machines, oils, plastic handle, ...

Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
well water, heaters: water, water bottles, pets, bottle water, beverages, flake, pet bottle, beverages bottle, bottle of beverage, bottles, pet water bottle, pet ...

Jeddah, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
pet preforms, tube collapsible, pets, well tube, jars, system, beverages, packaging, bottles, collapsible tubes, pet bottle
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